Department of Computer Science and Engineering
HKBK College of Engineering
School of Electronics and Communication Engineering
REVA University
Information Science and Engineering
New Horizon College of Engineering
Electronics and Communication
T John Institute of Management and Science, Banerghatta Road, Bangalore -83
Electronics and Communication
Islamiah Inst. of Technology, BANGALORE
City University, London
Jain University
Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning, Pune
AMC college of engineering
Visvesvaraya Technological University
IEEE Bangalore Section
ICOEI - 2019
REVA University
IEEE Bangalore Section
ICOEI - 2019
REVA University
Dr Abdul Haq Nalband, REVA University
Dr B U V Prashanth , REVA University
Dr Raveendra Gudodagi, REVA University
Dr Abdul Haq Nalband, REVA University
Dr B U V Prashanth , REVA University
Dr Raveendra Gudodagi, REVA University
Santosh, REVA University